Monday, March 10, 2025
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Prof. (Dr.) Jisha M.S.

Director, NIPST

Professor & Director,

School of Biosciences

Mahatma Gandhi University

Mob : +91 – 9497664697

E-mail :

Prof. (Dr.)  J G Ray

Founder of NIPST (Former Coordinator)

Professor, School of Biosciences,

 M G University

Dr. Valsalakumar N

Assistant Co-ordinator in Charge, NIPST

Associate Professor (Retd.)

Government College, Kottayam

Rajagopal R

Adjunct Faculty, NIPST

Associate Professor (Retd.)

SN College, Kollam

Dr. Karthika S

Assistant Professor (On Contract), NIPST

Dr. Haritha V. H

Assistant Professor (On Contract), NIPST

Dr. Sindhu G

Visiting Faculty, NIPST

Dr. V J Dominic

Adjunct Faculty, NIPST

Associate Professor (Retd.)

S H, Thevara, Cochi

Dr. Jayanath G

Guest Faculty, NIPST

Dr. Marykutty

Adjunct Faculty, NIPST

Associate Professor (Retd.)

St.Joseph college, Alleppey

Dr. Joy P Joseph

Adjunct Faculty, NIPST

Associate Professor (Retd.)

S H, Thevara, Cochi

Prof. George Mathew Murickan

Adjunct Faculty, NIPST

Associate Professor (Retd.)

Devamatha College, Kuravilangadu, Kottayam

Dr. P. M. Sherief

Adjunct Faculty, NIPST

Professor (Rtd),

School of Aquatic Food Products and

Technology, Faculty of Fisheries, Kerala

University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies,

Panangad, Kochi

Dr. Rajesh Kumar K.C

Adjunct Faculty, NIPST

Scientist E
Agharkar Research Institute, Pune, India

Dr. Pramod C.

Adjunct Faculty, NIPST

Assistant Professor

Department of Botany

University of Calicut


Dr. Amith Abraham

Adjunct Faculty, NIPST

Dr. Sharrel Rebello

Adjunct Faculty, NIPST

Dr. Vysakh A

Adjunct Faculty, NIPST

Mrs. Anubha S

Adjunct Faculty, NIPST

Ms.Helseena E.H

Adjunct Faculty, NIPST

Dr. Tijith K George

Adjunct Faculty, NIPST